Monday 23 June 2008

Rose Mcgowan - Mcgowan Exercised With Broken Foot

Actress ROSE MCGOWAN is so dedicated to her regular exercise regime, she continued to workout even when she'd broken her foot.

The Grindhouse star was running late for a workout with her trainer last month (Apr08) when she picked up the injury - but she felt so bad for keeping her instructor waiting, she decided to endure the pain while she exercised instead of making her way to a hospital emergency room.

She tells, "I thought I'd kept my trainer waiting too long downstairs, so I was running and my foot just hit the edge of the doorway. It just happens to be (made of) stone and that didn't work out well!

"But I did not miss my workout. I stuck ice on it, did my upper body, and then went to the hospital."

And MCGowan admits she was in tears by the time she did see a doctor - but it was not because of the pain from her broken foot.

Speaking at the Cannes Film Festival in France on Thursday (22May08), MCGowan - who was wearing a Dolce + Gabbana dress with one Sergio Rossi heel - recalls: "The doctor thought I was crying because I was in pain but I told him it was because I have to go to Cannes and I refuse to wear flats (flat shoes).

"Tonight I put padding beneath the case and now it's the same height as the heel. Genius!"

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